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Australian adult prisoner numbers continue to rise.
The number of prisoners in adult corrective services custody increased by 8% from 36,134 prisoners at 30 June, 2015 to 38,845 at 30 June, 2016.
The national imprisonment rate was 208 prisoners per 100,000 adult population, an increase of 6% from 196 prisoners per 100,000 adult population in 2015.
Unsentenced prisoners increase by 22 per cent.
The number of unsentenced prisoners in adult corrective services custody increased by 22%, from 9,898 at 30 June, 2015 to 12,111 at 30 June, 2016. This follows a 21% increase from 2014 to 2015. Sentenced prisoners increased by 2% from 26,163 to 26,649 prisoners.
Source(s): Prisoners in Australia
Source(s): Prisoners in Australia
The increase in unsentenced prisoners was accompanied by an increase in the median time spent on remand awaiting trial and/or sentence, which increased 7% from 2.7 to 2.9 months. Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory were the only state and territory to show decreases.
Footnote(s): For information on time on remand, see Explanatory Notes paragraph 53.
Source(s): Prisoners in Australia
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